The London Anxiety Clinic

Harley Street and Wimpole Street

0203 752 4258

  07909 710 002

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Treatment for health anxiety London

Health anxiety can be described as a preoccupation or obsession with the idea or belief that you have or will have a physical illness. Sometimes harmless physical symptoms are perceived as serious medical conditions. Naturally with this particular anxiety, feeling anxious about an illness increases the anxiety further and in turn this reinforces the thought that the symptoms being experienced are part of the illness.

Quite often there is an over labelling of the sensations or thoughts about the sensations or feelings in the body ans the thoughts can also contribute to the level of fear by the considerations to the worst case scenarious.

Naturally any concerns must be checked by a Doctor. This is to ensure  there is nothing wrong medically. Once this has been confimed, therapy can be useful to assist in learning how to deal with the way the brain automatically labels the health concerns.

To find out more about the variation of treatments for Health anxiety at the London anxiety clinic, please contact MIke Ward, where he can arrange a complimentary telephone consultation for you.


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