The London Anxiety Clinic

Harley Street and Wimpole Street

0203 752 4258

  07909 710 002

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Brain based anxiety therapy and the science of anxiety based treatments at The London anxiety Clinic (UK)

I want to share with you how the field of neuroscience informs our anxiety therapy treatment at The London Anxiety Clinic, for the range of anxiety disorders, panic disorders and depression that we specialise in.

Mike has recently trained in the Neuroscience of brain health, containing in depth training and mentoring with an established neuroscientist, regarding brain health and the science and facts (not myths) of how our brain responds  with stress and anxiety, associated to the many levels of experiences and the environments we encounter through life. Mike is bringing this knowledge and  wealth of skills back into the treatment of anxiety at the London Anxiety Clinic.

It is not just how we think and our brain networks and regions involved, but also our neurobiology, physiology, nervous system, the role of exercise, social relationships (past and present), the links between nutrition and how food provides the essential building blocks for our bio chemistry.

When either or all of these areas are affected, they can have a constant influence on the biology, creating a range of anxious states.  Our aim along with working with you to overcome unwanted anxiety, is also to work on increasing your overall well being, especially your resilience to stress and facilitating positive change. 

Our brain based anxiety treatments and interventions are with the knowledge and understanding of how both the brain and body deal with stress and anxiety. I provide  evidenced based interventions, and information about the brain and body. Showing you how to use these affective strategies, combining them into every day situations. Clients express feeling empowered with these skills, new knowledge and deeper understanding. Enabling a great feeling of empowerment and control, clients are able to recognise how their biology is responding and able to implement the strategies being learnt.  All  of our anxiety treatments at the London anxiety Clinic are collaboratively agreed with our clients and will be tailored to meet your specific needs.


If you are experiencing anxiety or are worried about your psychological health and personal safety, please always consult with with GP first. For help for anxiety,The London Anxiety Clinic in Harley Street provides a complimentary 30 minute telephone consultation. 

There also also a number of support lines available :

NHS Emergences for urgent help and attention. Call the emergency number of 999. An operator will answer.

For non urgent enquiries, or advice and health, the NHS out of hours service  can be called on 111.

For people that are experiencing severe distress, or suicidal thoughts, the Samaritans operate a confidential helpline 24 hours each day. They can be contacted on 08457 90 90 90.




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